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Call Sheet


Danielle Cropley, Harriet Jelfs and Georgia Dow



Danielle Cropley, Georgia Dow and Harriet Jelfs



Harriet’s house and surrounding fields



Whitegates Farm, Private Road, Stokesby, Norwich, NR29 3DX


Location contact:

Home: 01622 370600  

Mobile: 07549 677383


Call time(s):

30th and 31st January, 11am- 5pm (later if needed)



Baby monitor, tea making equipment, fake blood, clock, radio, knife, string. (red)


Make-up/ costumes:

Elise: pyjamas and slippers- no make-up.

Alice: black clothes- face not seen.


Actors/ contributors: (Names roles, phone numbers)

Georgia Dow- Alice Rayn- 07783 669672

Loretta Askew- Elise Brooks- 07920 005174


Camera: (Names, phone numbers)

Danielle- 07514 042665

Harriet- 07549 677383

Georgia- 07783 669672


Meal arrangements:

Pizza and nuggets (picnic) with snacks!


Transport arrangements:

Sharing car lifts

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