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To begin with we decided on a genre for its basis, we chose a gangster, action movie so that the beginning could be quite exciting. Although, we got a bit carried away with the dialogue rather than the actual film shots. We created a little story board of thumbnails of certain points in the film with the camera angle at which it would be shot at to show how we would shoot the continuity shots.


While filming we tried to make a match on action shot when Johnny walks in, although this didn’t really work as we’d tried this shot after shooting the rest of the film on a different day and to avoid any continuity mistakes with the costume we needed to avoid showing the Boss, which made it quite difficult to shoot. We contemplated shooting from the front, although the lighting was too bright and we couldn’t do anything about it without ruining the shot. Therefore our match on action suffered due to our continuity and location decisions, which we will be more careful about in the future. If we were to do this again I would choose a more suitable locations so the lighting isn’t a problem and shoot the shot from the front as he walks forward then from the side to show his movement.


Since in conversation, we used this to film out shot reverse shot from the Boss to Johnny then back. This was effective because it worked and made it clear who was speaking showing the emotion of the people with facial expressions. While using this shot we were careful not to break the 180 degree rule and always stayed on one side of the table to avoid any confusion from the audience. If we had their eye line wouldn’t match up so would look like they’re not looking at each other. This worked as we always stayed at one side of the table.

A couple of times the Boss was cut out of the shot when sitting back so we need to keep the camera a safe distance back and use the rule of third to keep the composition in place.


When we came to editing we started off getting the sequence up and reducing its size to the appropriate length (we had left time gaps before and after each shot which we cut to keep it quite quick so the conversation was very fluent.) However a section of a passage being said was replaced to improve the performance however the shot didn’t match up very well, which disrupted the fluency and therefore became very noticeable ruining the effectiveness.


We also added a black and white effect on all our scenes as it builds more tension, which worked as it gave a more mysterious atmosphere as by hiding the colours it symbolised that not everything is known.  The audio music in the background also helped set the atmosphere and became very useful in making it seem spooky and made the audience slightly edgy themselves as it’s very unsettling. By gradually fading the music out it made it flow better. Plus the audio of the gun shot was made very loud and short although Johnny didn’t react to it until the last shots so it lost its effect.


At the end of the film, the slow motion is effective here as it shows that the Boss likes killing and is excited for the future murder, showing the audience that she’s sinister.


Overall, we could have done better at planning so that we could get the right shots so that it can all flow nicely and always keep the camera in the same place using the rule of third as a marking point. So planning wasn’t very successful, which meant the filming wasn’t as a result although the editing was better despite our one fault where the two scenes jumped.


Preliminary Exercise

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