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Story Board

Story Board draft #1
Story Board draft #2

In the first scene I wanted to use a wide shot of the kitchen to show that nothing is being hidden from the audience so that they don't expect anything. I would then have the sound of classical music playing while the man scraps his food into the bin and then tying the bin bag up, which flows into my second scene as a continous wide shot. This shows the normality of the situation and suggests nothing out of the oridnary  has ever happened (because he's relaxed) and so nothing is therefore expected. 


In the following scene a tracking shot follows the character to the door, this builds some tension by alligning the audience with the character and isolating them. Just before the character opens the door they pause, this is due to ordinarily opening the door, although this could be manipulated. We would do this by roughly cutting off the classical music and, because it's a tracking shot, we can't see that the character is only stopping to open the doorso it build tension and suspicion for the character, as well as indicating that something is about to happen. There will be low key lighting from this point as it leads up to a problem to foreshadow the bad thing that's about to happen to build tension. 


The next scene is a canted, high angle shot which is used to act like a CCTV camera. The canted angle creates unease for the audience as real life isn't usually tilted and the angle pointing down takes power away from the character. Also, by the camera simulating a CCTV camera it suggests that the character is oblivious to everything around him, including the camera. Here, the only sound is the emphasised sound of his footsteps on the pavement, to emphasise this more there is silence between each step, which is taken slowly so that it stabs the silence. 


As he opens the bin to put the bag in the shot will change to an extreme close up to capture the terror in his eyes. By doing this it expresses his emotion so that the audience can reflect on it causing them to feel the same as well as showing something bad has happened. To add more of a frightening affect on the audience there will also be a high pitched sound like a scream which will be very discomforting which will relate to the situation and cause some alarm.

To intigue the audience to continue watching the screen will fade to black without revealing what has happened, the black will symbolise that something bad has happened appose to it being white which suggests the opposite of innocence. There won't be any sound so that it gives the audience time to think about what they think has happened and to let that sink in before the titles will fade in then slowly the silence will be distrupted by the slight chatter of a crowd as the screen turns. 


An over the shoulder shot will show a news report in a shop amoungst other people, this will make the audience feel part of the crowd and what's happening so that they are more engaged and can connect better. It also highlights how big the news is as every TV is showing the same news report with a big crowd surrounding it. Although, to juxtapose this, the noises around will be very natural which will reflect the equilibrim at the beginning of the opening. 








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